
Shining a light on Minnesota schools

parent: I teach my kids to be thoughtful and respectful toward everyone.
teacher: I’m afraid challenging my students to consider other viewpoints will offend them and could threaten
my career.
student: I’m afraid if I speak my mind in class I’ll be publicly shamed or get a lower grade.

Who we are

IlluminED’s mission is to shine a light on Minnesota schools. By clarifying what students are learning and uncovering divisive ideologies that undermine our shared humanity, we seek educational excellence for all.

What we do

Our parent hub and resource center aim to inform, support, and connect Minnesota parents so they can counter ideologies that are harming our students. We believe the surest path to “equity,” and the progress we all seek, is a great education.

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Parents across Minnesota are sharing information and working together to hold schools accountable.

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